The Danger Of Vertigo In Bus Drivers
Vertigo is a balance problem that can affect just about anybody. When it attacks bus drivers, it creates a dangerous situation in which the driver may not be able to perform their duties. Thankfully, this problem can be easily managed with the right vertigo treatment.
Vertigo Isn't Necessarily Related To Height
Vertigo is often heavily connected to height, particularly of being on tall buildings or high up in the air. However, it isn't necessarily a problem caused by a fear of heights. In fact, it is actually caused by the movement of various particles in the inner ear and along the various nerves in the ear that make it impossible to stay balanced.
As a result, even a bus driver sitting on a low seat in a bus may suddenly feel their balance disappear. Dizziness, and even nausea, can suddenly occur as they feel like they are spinning. The obvious danger of this situation is very severe.
The Problems It Can Cause Bus Drivers
Bus drives that experience the symptoms of vertigo may experience a sudden bout of dizziness that could put the lives of their passengers at risk. For example, imagine a situation in which vertigo affects a bus driver as they attempt to change lanes in busy traffic. The sudden dizziness could make it impossible for them to avoid an impact.
As a result, it is crucial that any bus driver with vertigo find a way to manage the problem quickly and easily. There are several at-home remedies that are typically prescribed and various medications that can help manage some of the worst symptoms.
Managing The Problem
Dealing with vertigo can be a difficult problem for many bus drivers to handle. That said, there are several ways that they can manage their symptom severity. For example, the Epley maneuver is designed to help stop the fragment movement that leads to vertigo. It consists of four different movements that are held for at least 30 seconds.
If this doesn't manage the problem, Brandt-Daroff exercises may be necessary. These are exercises that help manage the flow of fragments in the head that lead to vertigo. Unlike the Epley maneuver (which bus drivers can perform on-the-job), these exercises are typically done at specific times of the day.
When all else fails, there are various medications that can be taken to help with the problem. Though these medications are not cheap, they may be necessary for a bus driver that doesn't want to lose their job or put the life of their passengers at risk.