Tips For The Cleanse In Preparation For A Colonoscopy
Many people worry about getting a colonoscopy. However, a colonoscopy is not painful, relatively un-invasive, and is a great diagnostic tool. One of the most important things to remember when going in for a colonoscopy is to listen to your doctor. Although this procedure is relatively harmless, there is one aspect of getting a colonoscopy that can be difficult. This aspect of a colonoscopy is the cleanse. The cleanse usually what brings discomfort to most people. This article will describe a few tips in making the cleanse more bearable.
It is very important that you do not have anything going on during the cleanse. The day of the cleanse is the day to take it easy. Remember that you will be going to the restroom multiple times. Try to put yourself in a situation that you will be able to cleanse with little to no distraction and stress. You want to be able to visit the bathroom without having to think about who or what is around.
Clear Liquids
Your doctor, like from Northwest Gastroenterology Associates, will prescribe you a laxative to induce the cleanse. Your doctor may give you specific instructions for this laxative, but one tip is to mix your laxative with a great-tasting clear liquid. The laxatives do not taste extremely good, and a tasty additive in the form of a clear liquid will make the medicine go down a lot easier.
Rear End Care
This may be one of the most important aspects of the cleanse. You are going to have extremely high volume, high velocity diarrhea. Be sure to go to the store and get some very good toilet paper. Do not try to save money on this day! Some of the best products to keep in mind are wet wipes, aloe, and rash ointment. The trips to the bathroom can take a toll on your rear end. If you have the proper supplies, your trips to the bathroom will go as smoothly as possible.
Using these few tips are sure to make your experience go a lot smoother. They are very simple and relatively inexpensive, but they will make a significant difference as you prepare for your procedure. It is also very beneficial if you do not get nervous. When you are nervous, you will be more apt to get sick and have acid problems in your stomach. The procedure is truly very harmless and is nothing to be nervous about.