Conditions That May Bar You From Participating In Aquatic Exercise

Hydrotherapy has several advantages over land-based exercises. It is gentle on your body since the water counters the effect of gravity, helps with balance and muscular relaxation. However, like other forms of exercises, hydrotherapy is not for everybody. Specifically, you should be cautious about water exercise if you are dealing with these medical conditions:

Heart Failure

A heart disease and an elevated temperature is a dangerous combination. According to the American Heart Association, you should take precautions against high temperatures because some heart medications such as ace inhibitors, diuretics and beta blockers exaggerate your body's response to heat. Also, the high temperatures may heat up your body. This will stress your heart as it tries to pump up enough blood to cool your body.

Skin Conditions

For the sake of your health, it's important to ensure that the water you are using for hydrotherapy is safe and clean. Your medical condition may have weakened your immune system already making you susceptible to different types of infections. Thus, if you have openings in your skin (such as those occasioned by burn wounds), then it might not be a good idea to expose yourself to the risks of hydrotherapy.  


Hydrotherapy takes place in different temperatures for different purposes; for example

  • Cold water – restricts blood flow and slows down inflammation
  • Hot water – increases blood flow, relaxes muscles and relives tension

In most cases, it involves alternate treatments of hot and cold water. Therefore, you may not be a good candidate of hydrotherapy, specifically the kind that takes place in hot water, if you are running a fever.  Consider the fact that hot water therapy may involve temperatures in the region of 100 degrees Fahrenheit; you would only be hurting yourself if you expose yourself to higher temperatures.

Bowel Inconsistency 

This may preclude aquatic exercises, but it also depends on the nature of the inconsistency including the type of stool. For example, a patient experiencing loose stool inconsistency should avoid hydrotherapy due to the increased risk of contamination and infections. On the other hand, if the stool is hard and the patient is on a stool program, then he or she may just wear plastic pants and continue with the exercises. Your hydrotherapist, in liaison with your physician, will evaluate your condition and advise you on the best way forward.

Always follow your doctor's and therapist's instructions and to the letter. Moreover, hydrotherapy should always be controlled and supervised. You should never get into a pool on your own even if you are trying to increase your rate of recovery. You need somebody present to set the correct parameters and intervene in case you experience an adverse reaction.

To learn more, contact a physical therapy office like Eastern Shore Physical Therapy
