Tips For Helping Your Loved One Survive A Stroke
If you lived with a loved one that is getting older, you want to make sure that you know what to do should you notice that he or she is suffering from a stroke. Getting your loved one care immediately after a stroke occurs is one of the most important factors when it comes to your loved one recovering. Here are some tips for helping your loved one get through a stroke and have the best shot at recovery possible.
1. Know the Signs
The first thing that you need to do is familiarize with the signs of a stroke. You should look for ticks such as the face drooping more on one side than the other, which suggests that your loved one has lost control of the muscles in his or her face. You should also look for the inability to form words, which could mean that oxygen is not reaching your loved one's brain and that he or she is suffering from a stroke. Finally, check your loved one's strength in his or her arms. Suddenly weakened arms or having one arm drastically weaker than the other out of nowhere can be the sign of a stroke.
2. Know Where to Go
Your next step is to have a plan in place to get your loved one to a hospital center that is going to be best be able to treat his or her stroke. You need to remove the clot that is blocking oxygen to your loved one's brain as soon as possible. As a result, you are going to want to go to a hospital that has a teleneurology available as a technology for diagnosing strokes. Teleneurology is when the leading specialists all over the world can take a look into your loved one's brain via a small camera that is inserted. Once the camera is in there, the clot can be more quickly located and dealt with, allowing your loved one to increase his or her chances of recovering.
Make sure that you direct the ambulance to take you to a location that has the equipment needed to diagnose your loved one as soon as possible in order to give him or her the best shot possible and surviving and at recovery.
For more information, talk to a company, such as Telespecialists, that specializes in teleneurology. They will be able to tell you which hospitals have this sort of technology.