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5 Symptoms Of Scoliosis You May Notice

Scoliosis is a spinal condition that impacts the alignment of the spine. It is characterized by a sideways curvature of the spine, which can appear like it's shaped as an "S" or "C" when viewed from behind. While scoliosis may not cause any symptoms at all in mild cases, more severe scoliosis may lead to visible deformities and other uncomfortable side effects. Here are five common symptoms of scoliosis that you should watch out for. Read More 

The Benefits of Quercetin Phytosome Supplements

Quercitin phytosome, also known simply as quercetin, is an antioxidant nutrient found in many fruits and vegetables. If you eat a ton of fresh fruits and veggies, you probably get a lot of this nutrient. However, most people, if they are honest with themselves, do not eat as many fruits and veggies as they should. As such, it is often helpful to supplement their diet with various nutrients, such as quercetin. Read More 

When Life Doesn’t Need To Feel Inconvenient: Tips For Dealing With Incontinence

Urinary incontinence can be a frustrating and embarrassing condition to deal with, especially for those of advancing age. Luckily, there are treatment options that you can discuss with your healthcare provider as well as some easy ways to deal with incontinence that you can easily add to your lifestyle. Read on for a few ways in which you can finally find relief and take control of your health.  Treatment Options Read More 

How Is Rectal Prolapse Diagnosed And Treated?

Are you struggling with an inability to control your bowel movements, meanwhile feeling like your bowels are never quite empty? You could have a rectal prolapse. This is a condition in which part of the large intestine, or colon, slips down into the rectum due to the weakening of the tissues around the intestine. Rectal prolapse can be quite a nuisance, but it is something that doctors regularly diagnose and treat. Read More 

Family Member Addicted To Opioids? 2 Tips To Help Them

If you have a family member that is addicted to opioids, you need to help them if you are able. Talk with the family member about their drug problem to see if they will accept help. If so, below are two tips on things you can do so your family member can get off these dangerous drugs.  Suboxone Treatment Center Treatment centers are qualified and experienced at treating people with drug problems. Read More