
What Procedures And Treatments Do Podiatrists Perform?

You have injured your foot or ankle and need to seek treatment. Who should you turn to for help? Is a podiatrist the right one to see for an ankle or foot injury? What do podiatrists really do? A podiatrist specializes in treating foot and ankle issues. You may hear reference to a podiatric surgeon or podiatric physician; these are the same as a podiatrist, just different terms. Depending upon your state, a podiatrist may be able to treat both foot and ankle or be restricted just to the foot. Read More 

Answering Common Concerns About Chiropractic Treatments

Joint injuries can have a profound impact on the quality of your life by limiting your ability to do the activities that you normally enjoy. Luckily, there are treatment options, like chiropractic care, available for those that are experiencing these problems. However, chiropractic care is often misunderstood by those that could benefit from it, and this may cause them to avoid this type of care. By having the following two routine questions addressed, you should be in a better situation to decide if these treatments will help your condition. Read More 

4 Back Pain Remedies

If you have recently hurt your back by twisting the wrong way or sleeping in an awkward position, you will want to alleviate the pain as you wait for it to heal. There are several ways you can take away the pain in your back safely. Here are four methods for relaxing your back muscles and reducing inflammation, which will take away some of the pain as a result. 1. Use Temperature Control Read More 

3 Tips to Fight Back against Joint Flares

Increased disease activity when you have rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is referred to as "flares." You may experience increased pain, stiffness, and fatigue that are more difficult to manage, even with your current treatments. During a flare, there are ways you can make the symptoms more manageable. Elevate Affected Joints Generally, you should not use a joint that is flaring. This is unreasonable in most situations, especially if your hands or weight bearing joints are a problem. Read More 

Could Hearing Loss Contribute To Your Parent’s Depression?

We are in a time where the baby boomer generation is beginning to retire and age. More and more children of aging parents, such as you, will begin to notice the regular aging process of their parents. However, one thing that you may not notice is the that effects aging, such as hearing loss, may be contributing to your parents' mental health. Although it is normal to have some hearing loss occur, if your parent is having trouble communicating with others, it is a major sign that hearing aids are needed. Read More